“When choosing an agent, its crucial to make sure that you have vetted and even looked into the eyes of the individual who will actually represent you (and therefore your property) before appointing them. Many firms send in their most experienced staff member at the point of valuation in order to win the business but they subsequently disappear, never to be seen again. That won’t happen with us.” – Joe
Joe Le Beau
When he walks down the street, people often wave at him or stop him for a chat. Clients are surprised that despite the passage of time, he can remember precise details about their properties that even they don’t know or can’t recall. He’ll reel off their exact sq ft’age, the price they paid or sold for, the price per sq ft, who was interested and the date of sale!
John Harris
With fourteen years experience in London residential agency with leading companies, including Harrods Estates, John is very much a relationship builder.
He is the great constructor of deals and has a way of spotting the possibilities that others may miss, in order join up the dots and make even the most difficult transactions come to pass.
His calming influence is a great comfort to clients throughout what can be a stressful process.
“I enjoy introducing buyers to areas around the park that they haven’t previously thought of. It’s amazing how different each area is considering their relative proximities (and also how stubborn some people are about specific postcodes!). But over the years I’ve ‘shown the light’ to many people from north to south of the park and vice versa!” – John
CV – Joe Le Beau
Having grown up in Kent, Joe spent his early adult life in South London, where he cut his agency teeth at the big corporate Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward. Having simultaneously caught the property and travel bugs following two happy years at KFH and big-ticket trips to Australia and South America, Joe moved to Dubai to further his career.
As a specialist broker selling luxurious apartments at Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world), Joe worked with high-net-worth clients, and developed a loyal international following.
Upon his return to London in 2011, Joe embarked on what was to be a lengthy and successful new chapter at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices London (formerly Kay & Co) which saw him promoted through the ranks to his ultimate appointment as Sales Director in 2021. He was responsible for overseeing the sales departments of the firm’s four central London offices in Hyde Park, Marylebone, Knightsbridge and Kings Cross.
CV – John Harris
Although John claims (probably rightly) he’s never met anyone who grew up dreaming of becoming an estate agent, he will now admit that he caught the property bug as soon as he actually entered the industry.
He enjoys the cut and thrust of agency and finds meeting and advising so many fascinating people particularly rewarding, especially as his involvement is usually at pivotal moments of huge life decisions for our clients.
Having grown up in Bristol, John has always found London a particular draw – especially prime central London, where he has worked over the last 14 years. This has seen him holding notable positions at companies such as Harrods Estates, Susan Metcalfe Residential and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices London, where he and Joe worked together.